Labor Day, May 1, is an annual holiday that resulted from efforts of the labor union movement, to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers.
Hanukkah is the Jewish holiday of lights, celebrated this year as of December 6, 2015, usually it is not far from Xmas. It is being celebrated for eight days from the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kislev (in December) and is commemorating the re-purification of the Jewish Temple…
The holiday is celebrated by the Druzes', on September 10, at the grave of the Prophet in the north of Israel, near the village of Hurfei'sh. The holiday usually ends with mutual blessing of each other.
The New Year in Jewish tradition is called Rosh-Hashanah- meaning the Head of the new Year. This year it will occur on September 20-23, 2017. In synagogues and temples a shofar, ram’s horn is sounded to call the people to repent. At the beginning of the New Year, God decides…