The Tel – (a historical mound) of ancient Jaffa is visible from the entire sea-front of Tel Aviv, into which Jaffa was incorporated 60 years ago. Dating back over 4000 years, Jaffa was the main port serving Jerusalem from the days of Kings David and Solomon, until the end of the…
Category: Islam
Lewilat Al’asraa wa El’Maareg
The holiday commemorates the day theta the Prophet Mohammad had risen to the sky.

The Festival of Sacrifice is a four day public holiday in Muslim countries. The festival commemorates the Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son when God ordered him to. Ibrahim’s complete obedience to the will of God is celebrated by Muslims each year. Each Muslim reminds himself of their own…
The Ramadan is a month long fasting time in which Muslims, all over the world thank Allah for His help, following their month-long act of self-control The first Eid was celebrated in 624 CE by the Prophet Mohammad with his friends and relatives after the victory of the battle of…

Muslim/Islamic traditional Dishes
When visiting a new place, one of the most important aspects is to taste the local cuisine. It is the flavors that connect to the land. We have gathered together some major dishes that portray the best of the Muslin/Islamic food in Israel. Pfalafell – Humus, onions and Oil balls,…

Major places of Worship in Tel-Aviv
Places of Worship in Tel Aviv serve all major religions. The variety is large. We are glad to offer, herby, links to some of the major places, per religion: Jewish: Major synagogues in Tel Aviv are: Beit Haknesset Hagadol, on Allenby corner of Ehad Ha’am Str., Beit Haknesset Hagadol, “Ohel…

The Magic of Nazareth
Nazareth is an ancient city, located in the lower part of the Galilee, nearby the Sea of Galilee. The city is also known as the “Arab capital of Israel”, being one of the largest Arab cities in the north of Israel. Nazareth dates back, archaeologically, to the era called “the…

Jerusalem – a Holy city
Jerusalem, in Hebrew: “Yerushaláyim;” is the capital of the state of Israel and the largest city in the country. Jerusalem is a holy city to the three major religions— Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The city is located in the Judean Mountains near the Dead Sea. In Judaism, Jerusalem is considered as…