Cirkopolis, Cirque Éloize, is a unique show that combines the worlds of circus, dance and theater. Twelve acrobats and multidisciplinary artists rebel against daily life while reinventing themselves, in an original performance, combining music, video projections and dancing. This is their first performance in Israel, on the stage of the…
Category: Ballet

Spellbound Dance group
Spellbound Dance group will perform in Israel on Sunday, May 18, 2014 at 20:30 sat the Concert Hall in Rishon Le ZIon. The concert will be based on Vivaldi’s Four seasons. Watch Spwllbound on You Tube

Swan Lake modern dance ballet
Mathew Bourne’s world famous Swan Lake Ballet will perform in Israel on June 3-14, 2014 at the Israeli Opera house. This modern dance creation had been acclaimed world wide and offers a new reading to Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s composition. Watch Swan Lake modern dance ballet group on You Tube

Events during Passover Holiday 2014
Pessach – the Jewish Passover- is approaching; it will be celebrated this year on April 14-21. As it is a school holiday, many attractions are offered throughout the country,mainly to children/ families. Here are some interesting ones: What games did our parents play with? A live-exhibition at the David Tower…

Alonzo King in Tel-Aviv, November 2013
Alonzo King and his San-Francisco Ballet-lines’ group, preforming a dream’s time concert, in Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem, on November 13-18, 2013