Meet Nati Brunner, an Israeli licensed and experienced tour guide; since 2011.
Nati’s main expertise is in the city of Jerusalem and in the marvellous area called “Ha’bikaa” – The Jordan Valley.
Nati also thrives in Agricultural tours and in fascinating personal encounters.
The Jordan Valley is cited in the Bible, as of earliest days of the Israelites, when they had crossed the river Jordan into the land of Canaan.
The Book of Joshua describes how the Israelites arrived at Gilgal, after having crossed the River.
Archaeological findings have been found during recent years; dating back to early civilization as of 12th to 13th centuries B.C.E. (!).
In his tours, Nati touches upon the Biblical stories, the early findings and the scenery; all of which are simply breathtaking.
Jerusalem as well as the Jordan valley combines everything one needs in this Biblical land and more…
Join Nati, on a private, family or larger group tour.
Nati’s cell: +972-54-622-4401