Bet She‘arim is a ancient Jewish cemetery of the era that is called the “Mishna”, in Jewish history.
It is situated at the lower Galilee (northern part of Israel).
The uniqueness of the site stems from the fact that ancient people had carved into the hill and created tombs – deep inside the hills.
Archaeological finds show ancient courtyards, corridors and even steps- that lead to large halls; at which burial chambers and stone coffins can be found.
In addition there are carved writings as well as paintings that reflect Jewish life at that era.
The time frame is presumed ot be around the 3rd century CE, at which Bet She‘arim served as a Jewish corner ton at which Rabbis and students used to live & study.
The most famous one at the time was Rabbi Judah Hanasi, who acted as head of the “Sanhedrin”- the Jewish high-council.
The site is just off road no. 75, North; a mere ten minutes from the center of Kiryat- Tivon.
Tel: +972-4-983-1643