These days we are celebrating “Tu B’Shevat”; a Jewish Holiday referring to the “New Year of the Trees”. It is a Holiday at which it is customary to eat from the variety of the fruit of the land; as blessed by God. The holiday derives from Bible origins. As of…
Category: Upcoming Holidays

Hanukkah; a festival of lights
Hanukkah is the Jewish holiday of lights, celebrated this year as of December 6, 2015, usually it is not far from Xmas. It is being celebrated for eight days from the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kislev (in December) and is commemorating the re-purification of the Jewish Temple…

Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur occurs this year on Wednesday, September 23, 2015. This very important fasting day begins at sunset on Tishri 9 and lasts until three stars appear after Tishri 10. Yom Kippur is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. The observance is also known as the Day of Atonement…

The Jewish High Holidays
The time period between Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year and Yom Kippur– the holiest day in Judaism, a fasting day – these days are called: The (Jewish) High Holidays. The meaning of this time period stems from the fact that these are days of repentance; it is a time of…

The Church of Dominus Flevit
The church of Dominus Flevit (“The master cried”) in Jerusalem is a beautiful Catholic-Franciscan church, that had been built on the ruins of a Byzantine church, in 1955; to commemorate Jesus’ crying when he looked at Jerusalem and realized that the city is about to lose itself to hatred, self-destruction…
Holocaust Memorial Day; Yom Ha’Shoah
Remembrance Day for the Holocaust and 2nd WW heroism, is known in Israel and outside the country as Yom Ha’Shoah and in English as Holocaust Remembrance Day. In year 2015 it will occur on April 16. This day commemorates the remembrance for the nearly six million Jews who were slaughtered…

New Year’s day is coming…
Year 2015 is just around the corner… New Year’s Day is the first day of the year, in the Gregorian calendar. In modern times, it is January 1. In most countries, it is a holiday. It is still celebrated as a religious holy day on January 14 by those who…

Events during Passover Holiday 2014
Pessach – the Jewish Passover- is approaching; it will be celebrated this year on April 14-21. As it is a school holiday, many attractions are offered throughout the country,mainly to children/ families. Here are some interesting ones: What games did our parents play with? A live-exhibition at the David Tower…

An ancient curse-plate
Did you hear of an ancient Curse-plates? Recently, a small ancient plate was dug at the Archaeological digs in the city of David, in Jerusalem. This plate, 1,700 tears old, was a curse-plate that had been probably summoned by a woman by the name of Kirilla who wished to curse…
Sylvester; New year’s Eve
New Year's Eve, December 31, in the Gregorian calendar, is also referred to as Saint Sylvester's Day. This holiday is usually celebrated by evening social gatherings, at which most people drink, dance, eat and usually enjoy a fireworks' show that symbolizes the beginning of a new year. Midnight is the…