The path that Jesus Christ had taken, while walking to his death, is called: “the Via Dolorosa”, in Jerusalem. In other words it means: “The path/route of grief”. The long path is located in the heart of the old city of Jerusalem. Christians, around the world, visit the city in…
Category: Good to know

The DaVinci exhibition
Don’y miss the DaVinci exhibition, in Tel-Aviv, between February 16-April 28, 2014. A unique dive via a time-tunnel to ancient days……

Jesus and Capernaum
Jesus Forgives a Paralyzed Man and heals him – Upon Jesus’ re-entry of the village of Capernaum, the people gathered, in large numbers, so as to listen to his preaching. Jesus had been introduced to a paralyzed man, carried by other men, as he couldn’t walk. Tradition ahs it that…

The Mahraqa
Mount Carmel is a summit ridge, rising to a height of 474 meters above sea level. It is located near the city of Haifa, overlooking the Mediterranean sea. According to Biblical roots, this is the exact confrontation spot at which Prophet Elijah had confronted the prophets of Ba’al, when fire came…

Justin Bieber- to perform in Israel
Justin Bieber will perform in Israel on May 14, 2014. This is his second visit, after a successful one in 2011. Teenagers- be prepared!

Jerusalem; Jewish history in a nutshell
For more than 3,000 years, the Jewish people have looked up to Jerusalem as their spiritual, historical and political capital, even at times at which they themselves did not live or rule over the city. The Jewish story of Jerusalem had started in the Biblical (the Old Testament) roots, in…

Neil Young -to perform in Israel, July 17, 2014
Neil Young , famous Rock & Roll artist, will arrive in Israel for a special performance in Tel-Aviv’s Hayarkon Park, on July 17, 2014 with his band “the Crazy Horse”. The show is called “The Past, the Present and the Future with Neil Young and Crazy Horse.” This will be…

Do you like Pancakes?
If you do.. …then you have got to visit Abu–Ashraf’s unique place in the city of Nazareth, where they make the best pancakes in the world! Abu-Ashraf prepares everything by himself and calls it “KATAIYF”. It is a dish that is usually being served during the Ramadan fasting period, but…

An ancient curse-plate
Did you hear of an ancient Curse-plates? Recently, a small ancient plate was dug at the Archaeological digs in the city of David, in Jerusalem. This plate, 1,700 tears old, was a curse-plate that had been probably summoned by a woman by the name of Kirilla who wished to curse…

The Dead Sea; current situation
The Dead Sea has been evolving during these past years, alas not for good….. The Dead Sea is facing a slow demise; it is now 1,377 feet below sea level and it has dropped more than 100 feet in these last 50 years; which has brought many worries re its…